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How to Enroll and Run Queries

Vertical Identity Drug & Alcohol Consortium Clearinghouse Mandatory Enrollment started 1/6/2020

As clients of Vertical Identity, you have our support in this process.
For enrollment you have two options:

1. Watch Videos Part 1 and Part2 for Step by Step Instructions or

2. Follow Instructions on this page.

We suggest to watch the videos, while completing the process and pause it as you move step by step. A good way to do this, is by watching the video on your cell phone, while having a laptop or tablet to complete the process with the FMCSA.

Part 1 : Step by Step Instructional Video

Step 1 – Link your FMCSA Portal to Clearinghouse
Step 2 – Create Login.gov

Part 2 : Step by Step Instructional Video

Step 3 – Register in Clearinghouse as Owner Operator
Step 4 – Select Vertical Identity as your C/TPA
Step 5 – Buy Credits from FMCSA

How to Buy Query Credits

You must run a query on each driver pre-employment and annually. Here is how to make sure you have query credits.


Affordable & fast drug and alcohol consortium Enrollment


Step 1 Instructions – Link your FMCSA Portal to Clearinghouse

Why link your Clearinghouse account and Portal account?

Any company with a USDOT number can have a FMCSA portal account. This account links all of your FMCSA resources. https://portal.fmcsa.dot.gov/login

Linking your Portal account will associate your Clearinghouse activity with your USDOT Number, which will enable DOT personnel to verify your Clearinghouse activity quickly and easily after January 6, 2020. Establishing this link today will help streamline interactions with DOT personnel down the road.

FMCSA Portal Account holders Registration instructions.

Before you begin to register as an Employer in the Clearinghouse, please confirm that you have added the Clearinghouse role in your Portal profile.
To do this, please follow these steps (Video Part 1)

  • Login to the FMCSA portal->navigate to Account Management->My Profile->Portal Roles/USDOT#
  • Confirm the presence of / or add the “DACH Motor Carrier Admin” role from the available roles list to your Requested Roles
Note: you will need to add this role for each USDOT# in your Portal account.
Click Update ProfileIf you are the Portal Admin (Company Official), the role will be approved automatically. Return to the Clearinghouse to complete your registration.If you are NOT the Portal Admin (Company Official), you will need to wait for the role to be approved before you can continue your registration in the Clearinghouse. We recommend you reach out to your Portal Admin (Company Official) to approve the role. They must approve the role in Portal. Once you’ve completed the above steps, start the Clearinghouse Employer registration process and select “Yes, I have a FMCSA Portal Account” in Step 2 of the process (Video Part 2)
  • You will then be prompted to enter your Portal credentials.
  • After your Portal credentials are successfully verified, your Portal information will be brought into the registration process and will visible in your My Profile section after you’ve completed registration. For more detailed instructions, please click on the following link for the registration job aid for employers: https://clearinghouse.fmcsa.dot.gov/Resource/Index/Registration-Employer-Instructions

Step 2-4 Create Login.gov & Register in Clearinghouse as Owner Operator

Links for detailed registration instructions: Employers (including Owner Operators)


Drivers covered under an employer’s consortium (random testing program)

Go to https://clearinghouse.fmcsa.dot.gov/ to register and select Vertical Identity at your C/TPA.

Step 5 – Buy Credits/Queries from FMCSA directly

The FMCSA Clearinghouse will charge $1.25 for each full or partial query that is made by you or your designated C/TPA on your behalf. You will need to run queries for new operators/drivers as well as current drivers annually.


Links for detailed registration instructions:

Employers (including Owner Operators) Link to Clearinghouse

Drivers covered under an employer’s consortium (random testing program) Link to Clearinghouse

Go to https://clearinghouse.fmcsa.dot.gov/ to register and select Vertical Identity at your C/TPA.


A pre-employment drug testing program can help your company promote a safer and more productive workplace, deter drug use among employees, and reduce the risk of accidents and injuries.
The types of drug tests your company should consider will depend on your industry and the nature of the positions you’re hiring for. Common types of drug tests include urine, saliva, and hair tests.
The specific drugs your company can test for will depend on the type of test being used and any applicable state or federal laws. Most drug tests will screen for a range of commonly abused substances, including marijuana, cocaine, opioids, and amphetamines.

The main difference between a lab-based urine drug test and a CLIA-waived instant urine drug test is the time it takes to get results and the level of accuracy.

A lab-based urine drug test is typically more accurate and reliable than an instant test, as it is performed by a professional laboratory and can detect a wider range of drugs at lower levels. The process involves collecting a urine sample, which is then sent to a laboratory for analysis. Results usually take a few days to a week to come back.

On the other hand, a CLIA-waived instant urine drug test can provide results within minutes, making it a quicker and more convenient option. However, these tests may have a higher rate of false positives or false negatives, and may not be able to detect as many drugs as a lab-based test. Instant tests are typically performed on-site, and involve dipping a test strip into a urine sample and reading the results within a few minutes.

It’s important to work with a reputable drug testing provider that is knowledgeable about relevant laws and regulations, such as those related to drug testing in the workplace. You should also have clear policies and procedures in place for obtaining and using drug test results
The timeframe for a drug test can vary depending on the type of test and the availability of testing facilities. In general, most drug tests can be completed within a few hours to a few days.
You should work with a drug testing provider that has robust data security measures in place to protect applicant information. You should also clearly communicate with applicants about the types of tests you will be conducting and how their information will be used.
If an applicant tests positive for drugs for a non-DOT position, you should have a clear process in place for handling such situations. This may include offering the applicant an opportunity to explain the positive test result, providing information about any available employee assistance programs, and following any applicable disciplinary procedures.

Failing a DOT (Department of Transportation) regulated drug test can have serious consequences for employees in safety-sensitive positions. Some of the consequences include:

  • Immediate removal from safety-sensitive duties: Employees who fail a DOT drug test are required to immediately cease performing safety-sensitive duties, which can impact their ability to work and earn a living.
  • Referral to a substance abuse professional: Employees who fail a drug test must be referred to a Substance Abuse Professional (SAP) who will evaluate them and determine if they require treatment. This evaluation may include a clinical assessment, drug and alcohol testing, and other tests as deemed necessary.
  • Mandatory completion of a return-to-duty process: Employees who fail a drug test must complete a return-to-duty process that includes treatment, if necessary, and ongoing monitoring and follow-up testing
  • Loss of CDL (Commercial Driver’s License): CDL holders who fail a DOT drug test will have their license suspended for a period of time, and may also face fines and other penalties.
  • Termination of employment: Employers are required to terminate the employment of any employee who fails a DOT drug test, unless the employee successfully completes the return-to-duty process.

It’s important for employees in safety-sensitive positions to understand the serious consequences of failing a DOT drug test, and to take steps to avoid drug use that could put themselves and others at risk.

To ensure the effectiveness of your drug testing program, it’s important to regularly review and update your policies and procedures, communicate with employees about the program, and track key metrics such as drug test positivity rates and workplace accidents and injuries


With our simple 3-step process, you’ll be quickly and affordably screening in minutes!